KeyBindings For

Sway Wayland Window manager

Mod Key Combination Action
Enter Terminal
D Rofi Menu
Shift+Q Quit program
Shift+C Reload
Shift+E Quit sway
Left arrow Focus Left
Right arrow Focus Right
Up arrow Focus Up
Down arrow Focus Down
Shift+Left arrow Move Left
Shift+Right arrow Move Right
Shift+Up arrow Move Up
Shift+Down arrow Move Down
[1..9] Go to Workspace [1..9]
Shift+[1..9] Move Window to Workspace [1..9]
B Split Horizontal
V Split Vertical
S Stack mode
W Tabbed mode
E Toggle split mode
F Fulscreen mode
Space Mode_toggle
A Focus parent

KeyBindings For

Qtile Python Window manager

Mod Key Combination Action
Enter Terminal
D Rofi Menu
Ctrl+W Quit program
Ctrl+R Reload
Ctrl+Q Quit sway
H Focus Left
L Focus Right
J Focus Up
K Focus Down
Shift+H Move Left
Shift+L Move Right
Shift+J Move Up
Shift+K Move Down
[1..9] Go to Workspace [1..9]
Shift+[1..9] Move Window to Workspace [1..9]
H Split Horizontal
V Split Vertical
Tab Mode_toggle